About me

Girl dad, husband, first-generation Mexican-American, marketer.

Jonathan Silva - Cofounder The Tadpole Agency Downtown Lubbock

I strive to be a good example.

I am a girl dad, husband, founding partner, implementer, and advocate at The Tadpole Agency. I have a hyper-focus on customer experiences and look forward to working with people that believe our work completely revolved around the people that trust to do business with us.

As a result of my past experiences, and the genuine nature of a startup, I wear a variety of hats at The Tadpole Agency. You’ll find me performing different roles from bookkeeping to operating procedures, sales, client strategy, SEO, or website development on any given day. I’m constantly learning and implementing to ensure that our client, staff, and business needs are met, and I love every minute.


Diversity & Inclusion

As a person of color within the marketing industry, I would be remiss not to utilize my platform to promote diversity and inclusion. Frankly, we need to hear more from people of color and provide paths that help make our industry more equitable for all races. The executives, coordinators, and managers of marketing initiatives should represent the audiences they’re impressing. My dream and something that Tadpole consistently discusses, is finding ways to open doors for people of color to enter the marketing world. I am motivated by providing others with similar opportunities I was offered and am proud to do it. 

The Silva's